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Faculty & Staff


Get Ready to Take Flight

Apply Today

Exceptional academic programs, applied learning opportunities, and world-renowned faculty are only part of what makes the Simmons experience unparalleled. Your hopes, dreams and ideas are important to us. We strive to provide you with an environment where creativity is nurtured and intellect grows.

Simmons College is a student centered, applied research university. That means we are dedicated to making sure you achieve your goals and graduate with skills for success. You will not only graduate with a diploma, you will enter the real world with experience that makes you stand out above the rest.

Dr. Will Lucas

Executive VP of Enrollment Management

502-776-1443 ex. 5299

James Standard

Director of Admissions

502-776-1443 ex. 5155

Bridget Patterson

Associate Director of Admissions

502-776-1443 ex. 5214

Dr. Will Lucas

Executive VP of Enrollment Management

502-776-1443 ex. 5299

James Standard

Director of Admissions

502-776-1443 ex. 5155

Bridget Patterson

Associate Director of Admissions

502-776-1443 ex. 5214

Christian White

Enrollment Specialist

502-776-1443 ex. 5221

Janesha Boller

Enrollment Specialist

502-776-1443 ex. 5220

Jordanne Stevenson

Enrollment Specialist

502-776-1443 ex. 5171

Carmilla Hyatt

Executive Assistant

502-776-1443 ex. 5216 (Main Desk)

Intent to Enroll

Want to become a Falcon?

Intent to Enroll

Become a Falcon

What does it take to become a Falcon?

Admission Requirements

Follow these guidelines to apply

  • Submit your final official high school transcripts with your graduation date included.
  • Transfer students must submit transcripts form each institution they’ve been enrolled in * All transcripts must be submitted to Simmons College of Kentucky directly from the student’s previous institution(s) or through a third-party transcript service such as Parchment or the National Clearinghouse.
  • Simmons practices "Open Enrollment"; meaning that admission is open to all who meet the minimum requirements
  • Completed FAFSA Application
  • We recommend that all prospective students apply for one or more external scholarship applications
  • To submit official ACT/SAT test scores, send them to admissions@simmonscollegeky.edu or mail them to 1018 S. 7th Street, Louisville, KY – 40203 · Attn: Office of Admission
Cost of Attendance

An Affordable Education

Tuition & Fees

The cost of attendance includes costs for which students will be billed directly, such as tuition, mandatory fees, on campus housing and meal plan. These are termed direct costs. The cost of attendance also includes costs for which a student is not billed directly, but which the student should consider when planning their expenses for attending SCKY. These are termed indirect costs, and can include off campus rent and utilities; food, books and supplies; transportation to and from campus; loan fees; and other personal expenses. Actual costs for individual students may vary based on personal circumstances.

Undergraduate Tuition Rates (2024-2025)

Status Cost
Tuition (Full-Time)
Tuition (Part-Time)
$667/Credit Hour

Housing Cost (2024-2025)

Plan Type Per Semester Per Year
Single Room
Double Room
Miscellaneous Fees
Student Registration: $175
Student Activity: $20

NOTE: Full-time students are undergraduates who enroll in 12 hours or more of course work during Fall and Spring terms. The full-time tuition rate applies to undergraduate students taking 12-18 credit hours (either exclusively on-campus or a combination of on-campus and distance learning). An additional per credit hour fee equivalent to the per hour tuition will be charged to undergraduate students enrolled in more than 18 credit hours.


Student Account

Tuition & Payments

Fall Tuition deadline is November 4, 2024. Fall semester invoices will be available on October 17, 2024. Students eligible for the Installment Plan will be able to enroll starting August 1st.

Pay full semester balance by August 25, 2024. Have sufficient estimated financial aid approved on the student account statement to cover full balance. Sign up for the Simmons Installment Plan. The Simmons installment plan splits the semester balance due into 4 payments. The $35 Simmons installment plan enrollment fee is non-refundable and due with the first installment. Any changes to charges or financial aid will affect the monthly installments. 

We will send alerts regarding installment plan amount changes to students via Simmons email. Students will have the opportunity to opt into the installment plan starting on August 1, 2024. If payment in full is not received, aid is not finalized and the student declines to opt into the installment plan then the student will be dropped for non-payment on August 25, 2024.

Open enrollment for payment plan: October 17—November 3

Failure to Pay On-Time

A registration hold will be placed that prevents future course registration if the current semester balance is $250.00 or over. A transcript hold will be placed that prevents access to your official transcript until the balance is paid in full. 

If the student account remains unpaid at the end of the semester, then the student could be sent to a professional collection agency for further collection activity. All collection costs will be passed on to the student and this debt will be on their credit report. If still no action is taken then the invoice will be passed on to the KY Department of Revenue for further collection and the student will remain responsible for all collection penalties, interest and court costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Late fees are processed 10 days after payments are due.

Any payment received after the due date or left unpaid will result in a past due balance hold.

A financial hold is an indicator placed on an account that has an outstanding balance of $2000 or more.

Billing statements are sent until the bill is paid off.


Students who owe more than $2,000.00 may not participate in graduation, receive a diploma, or a transcript.
Students who have a balance of $2,000.00 or more will not be permitted to register for classes.

Payment Plan

Procedure & Guidelines

We can help you avoid the collection agency. If your account is delinquent and you cannot pay the balance due in full, please reach out to Student Account Services to set up a payment plan. The minimum monthly payment amount is $25 and the maximum repayment period allowed is one year (12 payments). To set up this payment plan, you must complete and submit the Simmons Amended Statement of Obligation & Internal Payment Plan Agreement.  

There is a $25 payment plan fee charged for the past due payment plan, but no additional monthly fees and no collection costs will be added if you are able to make the agreed upon monthly payments. All payments on this plan are due on the 20th of each month. A Student Account Services hold will remain in place until the past-due amount is paid in full. There is no penalty for prepayment. Paying more in one month does not reduce next month’s payment amount. 

If you default on the new payment agreement, your account will be sent to the KY Department of Revenue for further collection, where all collection costs and interest will be passed on to you.

  • Failure to pay will result in disenrollment from classes, financial hold placed on account.
  • Payment can be made by a parent, student, or a third party.
  • Student account balance must be $100 or higher to qualify for the payment plan.
  • Payments are automatically taken from the bank account provided and will take place on the 6th of every month.
  • Students who fail to make payments will be subject to disenrollment of courses and financial holds.
  • Late fees are processed 10 days after payments are due.
  • Any payment received after the due date or left unpaid will result in a past due balance hold.
  • A financial hold is an indicator placed on an account that has an outstanding balance of $2000 or more.
  • Billing statements are sent until the bill is paid off.
  • Students who owe more than $2,000.00 may not participate in graduation, receive a diploma, or a transcript.
  • Students who have a balance of $2,000.00 or more will not be permitted to register for classes.

*Must sign & abide by agreement.** FERPA Financial Hearing: You have the right to protest the amount of this bill if you believe the tuition, fees or other charges are inaccurate.

Financial Aid

An Affordable Education

Financial Aid

Financial aid is any grant, scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to assist students with meeting educationally related expenses. Funding is usually provided through federal and state agencies, foundations, corporations, and the college. Grants and scholarships are considered “gift” aid and don’t have to be repaid however, they may carry certain provisions.

The 2024-2025 FAFSA will use your 2022 tax information. We recommend using the built-in IRS Data Retrieval Tool to import your tax information directly. Some students are required to provide parent information on the FAFSA. The FAFSA will determine if you are a dependent and need to provide this information.

Filling out IRS Form 1098-T

The purpose of form 1098T is to allow students or their parents to take a tax credit on their income tax returns for their out-of-pocket qualified educational expenses. Obviously, if all your tuition and fees were paid by federal grants (such as Pell, Veterans, SEOG, Kentucky CAP, KEES, employer benefits, private scholarships granted by the college, etc.), you have no out-of-pocket expenses, and you will not receive a 1098T.

Please note that the 1098-T provides information on the qualified tuition & fees paid and the scholarship & grant amounts that have been applied to your student account. This information can be used to determine eligibility for certain educational tax credits (e.g. Hope, American Opportunity, and Lifetime Learning tax credits) and is NOT to be used to calculate the amount of your scholarship & grant aid that is taxable. Tax credits are subject to change from year to year, based on updates in tax laws.

Entrance Loan Counseling

When you are a new borrower of a Federal Direct Student Loan at Simmons College of Kentucky, you must complete an entrance loan counseling session so that you will know your rights and responsibilities as a borrower. The online session will take you about 20 minutes to complete.

Promissory Note

Borrowing from the Direct Loan program requires the completion of an Electronic Master Promissory Note (e-MPN). You can use the e-MPN for one or more loans for one or more academic years while attending Simmons College of Kentucky.

How much can you borrow?

Annual & Aggregate Loan Maximums

The amount you can borrow annually depends on your dependency status, grade level as determined by your earned units, and eligibility:

Independent Students

Year in School Annual Borrowing Limit, Subsidized Loans* Annual Borrowing Limit, Unsubsidized Loans*
1st Year (Undergrad)
2nd Year (Undergrad)
3rd-4th Year (Undergrad)

Limits for all Years



*For dependent students. **Including Subsidized.

Dependent Students

Year in School Annual Borrowing Limit, Subsidized Loans* Annual Borrowing Limit, Unsubsidized Loans*
1st Year (Undergrad)
2nd Year (Undergrad)
3rd-4th Year (Undergrad)

Limits for all Years



*For dependent students. **Including Subsidized.

Graduate Students

Annual Borrowing Limit, Subsidized Loans* Annual Borrowing Limit, Unsubsidized Loans*
Graduate or Professional Student
Aggregate Loan Limits*

*Including loans received for undergraduate studies.

Employment-based aid