Communications from President Cosby


Covid-19 Vaccine Policy for Staff and Students

Dear Colleagues:

As you all know, COVID-19 is a serious infection that can have long term debilitating, even fatal results. During these past 14 months, as most colleges, we have used a variety of approaches to contain this pandemic: social distancing, enhanced cleaning, controlled access to facilities, and remote working and learning.

We now have a powerful new weapon to combat the ravages of Covid: three safe and effective vaccines, which are proven to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission and the risk of serious illness when the disease is contracted. Major American universities played an important role in the research and development of these vaccines, and we are following their lead in requiring students and staff to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Widespread vaccination is the only way to facilitate a return to a normal, robust campus life while assuring the health and safety of others. At Simmons, the safety and well-being of our entire family of students, faculty, and administration are our highest priority. Vaccination against COVID-19 is essential.

With this in mind, we now require all employees and all new and returning Simmons students to be fully vaccinated against Covid by August 10, 2021. We will make exemptions only for documented medical and religious reasons, though we will follow CDC guidelines and request that exempted, unvaccinated people wear masks. We cannot, however, provide remote learning or teaching opportunities, other than courses already designated on the course schedule as remote courses.

We will support our students and staff by facilitating access to the free COVID-19 vaccination appointment and will post this information soon. Students needing more information should contact Staff should contact our HR Director Debbie McDonald,

While we understand vaccine hesitancy, particularly among the African American community, we also know that our family is best served when all who are together are safe and confident that everyone is safe. We are eager to return to in-person fellowship and learning so that our students can benefit from the full HBCU experience. Remember, fall classes being August 23, 2021. We look forward to seeing you soon.



September 5, 2021

Dear Simmons students and staff,

At Simmons, we take seriously the threat of Covid-19, and we follow the enlightenment of science. Since June, we have announced our mandatory vaccination policy. We gave our students a grace period until September 8, 2021, to get vaccinated.

This past week, two Simmons students have come down with Covid-19 and potentially over one-third of our student body and some staff were exposed. Consequently, we are switching to emergency remote teaching/learning at least until September 20, 2021. Upon return, all professors and students will be required to provide proof of vaccination and also a negative Covid test within an appropriate timeframe. Updates will soon follow.

As most of you know, we recently lost a valuable, dearly beloved employee, Julian Sam, to Covid-19. As a consequence, we are strictly enforcing our Covid-19 policies, which means that all staff and all students must be vaccinated upon the return to on-campus classes. We will not offer selected individuals the option of special remote learning.

Those who have had known exposure to someone with Covid-19 must quarantine. That means they cannot go to their jobs or engage in other social activities outside of school. Disregarding known protocols requiring quarantining after exposure will not be tolerated. Sanctions for students or staff who disregard known health rules will be implemented and may include suspension or expulsion from the college. While individuals may choose to disregard their own safety, they have no right to risk infecting others around them. We are strict because we are trying to save your life and the lives of those around you. Young people as well as old people are dying from this disease, and some have long-lasting debilitation.

We will honor documented medical exemptions from students, but only with a statement from a licensed physician and proof of weekly negative Covid testing. If you have questions about our policies or proper protocols, please email

Let’s lead the way for our school, our families, and our larger community by setting an example to get vaccinated and help those around us understand the importance of vaccination. To understand the medical, moral, and spiritual basis for our policy, please go to our web page and see the video, “Our Response-ability to Covid-19.”

In Christian Service,


STUDENT AWARDS 2022 - 2023


Why not meet in person Monday-Thursday instead of two days a week?

Risk reduction necessitates a dramatic increase in cleaning procedures, and the more we gather in groups, the greater the risk, even with social distancing and masks.

What about night courses?

Because of all the risk reduction protocols that must be in place, evening classes will be 100% remote. The campus will not be open at night.

What if I don’t have a computer or have problems with internet access?

 Please contact the Office of Student Affairs for help with this.

What if the situation improves and it becomes safe to gather more in person?

 We can expand our in-person gatherings if public health officials advise it is safe to do so, but no out-of-town students will be required to report to campus and no at-risk student will be required to attend.

What if the situation gets worse and it’s not safe to gather at all in person?

 In this case, professors will report to have their lectures recorded in an empty classroom or will record their lectures at home on their computers. Lectures will be posted and all students will become remote students in all their classes.

What if someone in my class tests positive for Covid-19?

This is why masks and social distancing are vital. If the person is discovered to have not been wearing a mask properly or not at all, all students in all that person’s classes will have to remain at home for 14 days and will not be permitted to participate in any activities, including athletics.

What if I forget my mask?

We may have single-use masks available for a small fee, but you will not be permitted on campus without a mask.

What if I have a breathing problem that makes wearing a mask difficult for me?

Contact Student Affairs to let them know about this and they will work on informing school officials of your need to be exempted from the procedures.

Will The Nest be open and will food insecurity assistance (pantry, snacks) be available?

We are planning to open The Nest, but procedures will have to be put in place and will be posted, and failure to follow those procedures could lead to its closure.

What if I need to meet with my professor or someone on the Simmons staff?

We are doing everything we can to keep our staff and their families safe, and many offices are very small. In many cases, you will have to meet by phone or videoconferencing, or in a pre-arranged large conferencing space.

Will the library be open?

Yes, but only a prescribed number of people at a time will be admitted and health protocols will be in place. Go to the library’s web page for information regarding online research materials.

What about the shuttles?

Risk reduction necessitates a dramatic increase in cleaning procedures, and the more we gather in groups, the greater the risk, even with social distancing and masks.

We plan to offer shuttle services, but masks will be required and the frequency of service may be curtailed.