Bachelor of Arts
OUR MISSION: In line with the mission of the College, the mission of the James R. L. Diggs Department of Sociology is to equip students with a broad knowledge of sociological concepts and the ability to apply conceptual knowledge, within a social justice framework to address real-life concerns as effective and compassionate change agents within their families, places of worship, and larger communities.
From Department Chair Dr. Nancy Seay
Thanks for considering the study of Sociology at Simmons. We like to think that sociology is in our college DNA. One of our presidents in the early twentieth century, Dr. James R. L. Diggs, was the very first Black American to receive a PhD in Sociology. A contemporary of W.E.B. DuBois, he was a founding member of the Niagara Movement, civil rights organization and forerunner of today’s NAACP. Diggs proudly noted in his 1906 correspondence with DuBois, “I am indoctrinating our students with the Niagara spirit.” Over a hundred years since that statement was made, the Sociology Department at Simmons College of Kentucky endeavors to continue to instill the Niagara spirit into our students.